Your car is probably one of your biggest investments in life. Even if you have no interest in cars or auto repair, you should know what needs to be done to protect your investment. As everyone in Calgary knows, if your car breaks down on the highway in the middle of winter, it’s a big problem in several different ways. Most professionals agree that car owners should regularly inspect their fluid levels and tire pressure and get the car thoroughly inspected by an expert at least once a year. Here’s a checklist of things you should be sure to ask of your local car repairs expert in Calgary to minimize roadside emergencies and get your vehicle ready for all your spring and summer adventures!
Tires Be sure to install the proper tires for the season, and make sure they are in good condition by checking your tread depth and inspect for any damage. Check out our blog post for information on when your tires may need replacing. Fluids From oil to washer fluid, all of your vehicle's fluids play a part in keeping your vehicle in good working condition. Make sure to have all of these fluids checked and topped off or flushed if necessary. Engine Air Filter/ Cabin Filter Have a mechanic check the condition of your engine air filter. It is important that the air being delivered to your engine is clear of debris and dirt. A dirty air filter can result in loss of horsepower and will affect your gas mileage. Most vehicles also have a cabin air filter to help keep dust and allergens out of your car. Most manufacturers recommend an annual inspection of your cabin air filter. Cooling System Maintenance Making sure your cooling system and components are in good condition can be essential in keeping your vehicle running smoothly and prevent overheating during the summer months. Drive Belts Over time your drive belts can crack and fray, losing their integrity and reliability. The functioning of these belts is very important to your vehicle and should be looked over by a mechanic annually or before going on a road trip. Certain components of a vehicle are naturally more vulnerable to wear. Having your vehicle maintained regularly will help keep more expensive problems from arising, in turn saving you money in the long run. At South Pro Automotive Ltd., our auto repair experts have over 75 years of experience providing reliable advice and services to the Calgary South area. If it’s the time of year for you to get your car checked or you just want to have peace of mind about your car’s performance, contact us today to find out how we can help you keep your car at its best.